
How to Fix Apache can't running in XAMPP

Usually this happens because there are other applications that use the same port with XAMPP Apache application is thus not possible to run simultaneously. To that end, a solution that we can do is to change the settings we XAMPP Apache port in order to keep running.

Here are the steps:

  1. Make changes to httpd.conf
  2. Open the httpd.conf file in the folder C: \ xampp \ apache \ conf \ by using a notepad application.
  3. Search for the word "Listen 80" and change it to "Listen 8080".
  4. Still in the same file, look for the words "ServerName localhost: 80" then change it to "ServerNamelocalhost: 8080".
  5. Then Save and close notepad.
  6. Next, open the file httpd-ssl.conf in C: \ xampp \ apache \ conf \ extra \.
  7. Look for the word "Listen 443" and change it to "Listen 4499".
  8. Still in the same file, and look for the words "virtualhost_default_: 443" then change it to "virtualhost_default_: 4499"
  9. Still in the same file, look for the words "ServerName localhost: 443" and change it to "ServerName localhost: 4499"
  10. Now run XAMPP Contol Panel, and then click Start on Apache. If the warning appears in the bottom detail box "Apache started [port 80]", then open a browser and navigate to http: // localhost: 8080 / xampp. If successful, the Apache Web Service has been running on port 8080.\
Thank you, hopefully the information above can help solve the problem "can't be running in apache xampp"

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